Friday, 27 November 2009

Whether to smoke a hookah? How much it is safe

With hookah now you will surprise nobody. In any restaurant or fashionable cafe in the menu always there will be a hookah, and indoors кальянная a room. Only here data on harm of a hookah are inconsistent and foggy: someone asserts that it is harmless, someone tells about serious harm.

The Indian invention, hookah it became quickly popular in the Islamic world from Southeast Asia and to Africa. In Europe to a hookah have paid attention in the end of a XIX-th century when there was a fashion on all east. The modern Russian validity is that that the hookah can be bought in any souvenir little shop. Popularity of a hookah grows, admirers of a tobacco smoke gradually pass in a camp of admirers of a mix for smoking through a hookah. Besides in a society there is a proof statement that the hookah not simply is more pleasant, and and it is much more safe than cigarettes. Whether however the truth it?

The hookah represents a tube equipped long чубуком and the water filter. One part of a hookah is a bowl for the water, the second usually becomes from metal, the long flexible hose joins it with a mouthpiece. The ceramic capacity for a tobacco mix from above takes places. There are the kinds of a hookah equipped with a protective saucer, a protective cap, the final ball valve for removal of surpluses of a smoke and nippers for coal. There are hookahs to one tube, intended for smoking in loneliness, and hookahs with several tubes – such are more interesting for smoking in the company.

The core that is required – not to pass air from a hookah i.e. to be completely tight.

Tobacco mix for a hookah prepare specially. When the smoke from its combustion passes through the water poured in a flask of a hookah, it is cooled and humidified. Besides the hookah liquid works, as the filter.

For a hookah use three kinds of tobacco and tobacco mixes.

The first of them - «tumbak». It is ordinary tobacco (Nicotiana Rustica), in it the nicotine maintenance is high. Such tobacco humidify with water, wring out and stack in a hookah bowl.

The second kind кальянного tobacco - «mu ` essel». For it tobacco impregnate with sweet treacle and enrich fruit aromas, adding in a mix a shaving from various fruit fruits.

The third kind is called «jurak». It is something intermediate between «tumbak» and «mu ` essel».

Whether there is from a hookah a harm? Certainly, yes. For all that that hookah smoking not seems something serious, nevertheless influence on health it renders the essential.

Hour of smoking of a hookah means smoking in 100-200 times more a smoke, than in a situation when you decide to smoke a cigarette. Thus, quantity of the carbonic oxide inhaled at smoking of a hookah, rather aloud. Experts assert that for 45 minutes of smoking of a hookah of carbonic oxide you will inhale more than at the use of the whole pack of cigarettes. The mechanism of smoking of a hookah which assumes deep breaths and retraction in of a smoke, allows it to get to the most secluded corners of lungs.

Besides at smoking of a hookah by the big company it is necessary to remember that the mouthpiece requires disinfection. Otherwise acquaintance to another's infections to you is provided.

To estimate hookah influence in figures difficult enough. Manufacture of cigarettes is strictly standardised, and hookah "exhaust" depends on set of variables. Quality of tobacco and its kind, quality of a corner, temperature at which tobacco burns can change. Situations when hookah smoking led to a short wind and even a poisoning are probable. Besides do not recommend to mix a hookah and alcohol as consequences can be absolutely not predicted.

In the statement of the World organisation of public health services it is said that at smokers of a hookah in blood above concentration карбоксигемоглобина, nicotine, котонина, arsenic, chrome and lead. Thus, results of smoking of cigarettes and a hookah are absolutely identical: oncological diseases of easy and other bodies, infringements of work of respiratory system, a coronary heart trouble, complexities with a child-bearing.

Experts in narcology assert that smoking of a hookah differs nothing from smoking of cigarettes in respect of dependence occurrence. Therefore to people who do not smoke a cigarette, most likely periodic smoking of a hookah will help to create dependence on tobacco. Most likely, in the near future them will expect either smoking of cigarettes, or reception of medical products. After all indemnification of deficiency of nicotine in an organism by means of a hookah will occupy a lot of time: from 20 till 60 minutes.

It is probable that full refusal of hookah smoking in a society is a Utopia. Besides its rare use of essential harm nevertheless will not put to health. But, at least, thus it is necessary to adhere to certain rules which will save up health and will give to your rest a certain aesthetics:

Have no a hookah highly. Let it costs on a floor or a special low little table.

If you have decided to share a hookah with another, put it only on a floor, and a mouthpiece put on a pure plate.

Use only specially prepared tobacco. It dark and dense.

Never get a light a cigarette from coals in a hookah.

Hookah smoking – the private affair of everyone. To be tightened or not – here everyone solves for itself. Do not interfere with another's way of rest, do not criticise a habit of associates.

It is not necessary to pour as a liquid in a hookah alcohol. Water in a hookah is a filter, and sometimes and ароматизатор if instead of water you pour, for example, каркадэ.

Before hookah smoking it is necessary to eat. Is inadmissible to smoke a hookah on a hungry stomach, hurrying up.

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